回應挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團對本人的指責, 並重新強調被他們所忽略的碳-14檢測報告的真相(安德魯 A. 斯奈林博士.2011)


認 「罪」!


















  1. 碳-14的半衰期為5,730年.
  2. 即使整個地球上每一個原子都是碳-14,只要經過一百萬年,所有碳-14都會消亡,不存留任何碳-14。
  3. 即使「主流科學家」宣稱煤、石油及化石有幾百萬年歷史,但他們也在「主流科學家」期刊《放射性碳》發表報告,發現可量度的原位碳-14(並非由於污染造成)能從煤、石油及化石裡找到。




  1. 所有世界級「主流科學」的放射性碳實驗室,在進行碳-14檢測分析前,會把所有收到的樣本進行預先處理程序(本人已在原文詳實滙報,資料源自主管實驗室一名教授),這個預先處理的程序極為嚴苛,並特別設計出來除去任何因取樣情況及取樣手法而引致的污染物。
  2. 本人在報告中表示(挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團並沒有否認本人報告的真相),在四個木樣本中,有兩個樣本分別由兩間放射性碳實驗室檢測,而兩間實驗室雙雙證實這兩個木樣本為現代︰分別是1950年之後及120-135年。第三個樣本得出的碳-14年代只有610年。
  3. 即使實驗室被直接查問受污染的可能性,實驗室1並沒說年輕(近代)的木樣本是受污染所致。
  4. 兩間放射性碳實驗室,在檢測三個木樣本時獲得年輕的碳-14年代(即是說,相對方舟而言,木樣本太過近代);兩間實驗室也正確地分析三個木樣本的13C參數,因為該參數在計算及滙報碳-14年代是絕對必要。
  5. 兩間實驗室均匯報其碳-14檢測結果的誤差幅度±值。
  6. 第四個樣本,樣本D,是唯一在實驗室3進行檢測;然而,該實驗室並沒有按標準程序進行,也沒有量度δ13C參數或匯報誤差幅度±值,至少也沒有證據顯示該實驗室有按該等程序進行。



  1. 本人的文章並沒有忽視樹輪年代法;相反,卻忠實地按挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團所提供的,如實匯報第四個木樣本的樹輪年代法詳情。
  2. 第四個樣本的碳-14檢測結果,其「大誤差」是引述自實驗室3所顯示的4,269-4,800年,誤差年期只有531 年。
  3. 第四個樣本的「日曆年齡」採用樹輪年代法計算,是引述自實驗室3所顯示的6,891 ± 4,647年或2,243-11,538年,誤差幅度達9,295年!
  4. 樹輪年代法不精確的原因,是由於不知明的木樣本年輪,一定要先經碳-14檢測年份,年輪才可以參考樹輪綜合年表在該時期的年輪數據作覆核。



  1. 本人已經在原文匯報碳-14測年法的限制,包括在遠古時代碳-14在大氣的含量估計不可靠,基於地球磁場轉變所致。
  2. 故此,挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團同意本人的看法,指碳-14在大氣的含量會因應地球磁場的轉變而有改變。
  3. 「主流科學家」有記錄顯示,碳-14測年法對於古老過公元前1,000年(即超過3,000年歷史)的樣本,檢測並不可靠。
  4. 基於這些理由,本人在文章中指出,來自方舟的木樣本的碳-14年代一定古老過4,800年。
  5. 由於碳-14測年法並不可靠(而挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團也同意此點),本人一直認為碳-14的年代需要校正(就是調整)。
  6. 諷剌的是,挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團為顯示碳-14不可靠而引述的兩段名句,正是本人20多年前整理編寫並出版的小冊子所套用的引文,至今仍然真實不假,他們又何必多此一舉,以本人昔日的見解來拒絕本人今天的言論呢?當時的我跟現在一樣,都是「極端創造論者」持非「主流」的立場。



  1. 聖經說,方舟停在「亞拉臘眾山上」(創世記8章4節)。
  2. 聖經沒有說方舟停在一座名叫亞拉臘的山上。
  3. 這兩個事實建基於英文聖經,該經文由原文希伯來文準確地翻譯出來。中文聖經譯本沒有明確指明,只說方舟停在「亞拉臘山上」。
  4. 有歷史記載亞拉臘山多次發生火山爆發,最近一次在19世紀發生。
  5. 有許多目擊證人宣稱他們曾在亞拉臘山見過方舟。
  6. 這許多目擊證人的口供,從沒有被客觀事實所驗證,就是公開給其他人調查,因此,看見實際的方舟或遺骸的宣稱,還是未經證實的。



  1. 挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團於2010年4月20日把所有的碳-14檢測結果交給本人。
  2. 本人於2011年11月9日把挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團所有碳-14檢測結果作網上文章發表。
  3. 介乎上述事實1及事實2之間的一年半(18個月)時間裡,挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團只曾公開報告第四個較有利的4,800年木樣本,而從沒有公開報告其他三個較不利的近代(年輕)木樣本。
  4. 這是事實而不是謠言或中傷。
  5. 有關第四個木樣本的碳-14檢測結果的可靠性,挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團能擺平所有謠傳或中傷的方法,就是公開檢測該木樣本的實驗室3的名字,並提供該樣本的δ13C參數分析結果,皆因所有真正的放射性碳實驗室均會提供該資料。



  1. 在2010年4月20的Skype視頻會議上,挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團的代表交給本人一份包含所有碳-14檢測結果的副本。
  2. 在Skype視頻會議上,本人告訴挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團的代表,其木樣本的碳-14檢測結果,強烈顯示木樣本並非來自方舟。
  3. 在Skype視頻會議之前因碳-14檢測結果所表現的雀躍之情,現在已蕩然無存。
  4. 作為相信聖經的基督徒及科學家,本人仍對挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團宣稱在亞拉臘山上發現的木結構感興趣,因為這仍有待徹底地調查,以判辨真偽。



  1. 假如Answers in Genesis及本人企圖壟斷及操控方舟的研究,為何本人仍要等18個月才發表所有從挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團而來的碳-14檢測結果?
  2. 在這18個月裡,本人與Answers in Genesis所說及發表的言論,絕無貶低、攔阻、中傷、操控或壟斷任何由挪亞方舟國際事工、影音使團或其任何所屬公司,或任何其他方舟研究人員,就此事所進行的任何科學研究。
  3. 挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團並沒有說明,欲提出其所宣稱的亞拉臘山方舟發現的科學研究申請,申請人須提供一份聲明「會從閣下的專業範疇對挪亞方舟國際事工近期的發現分享個人觀點」。(我認為,當時有這要求其實暗示,只有申請人已同意該事工在亞拉臘山的木結構發現是真正的挪亞方舟,他們才可獲選參與該項研究)。
  4. 科學研究確實需要「百花齊放」,但不是由科學家的世界觀所主導。挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團似乎以為,邀請不接納聖經描述大洪水及方舟的「主流」科學家,來調查挪亞方舟國際事工所宣聲的方舟,就能做到「百花齊放」。然而,由不同世界觀推動的科學研究會令討論困難,意見無法一致。



  1. 挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團指出,在尋求科學意見時,「主要向主流的科學家徵詢」,換言之,他們尋求意見的對象,就是不接納聖經如實描述全球性、淹浸沒頂的大洪水及方舟的人。
  2. 假如碳-14測年法不甚可靠(但挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團至今仍相信),為何他們要在2010年4月25日在香港舉行新聞發佈會,宣佈在亞拉臘山上找到4,800年歷史的木結構呢?
  3. 假如碳-14測年法不甚可靠,為何挪亞方舟國際事工及影音使團現今會相信「木結構非常古老」,可追溯至「舊石器時代」(這是「主流科學」用詞),並指稱「其他同時代在近東的考古遺跡,其放射性碳年份,介乎公元前13,100至9,600年之間」,把大洪水及方舟時代推向一個較久遠的時期,超出聖經創世記年表,甚至超出地球的年齡?


Andrew A. Snelling博士於澳洲悉尼大學取得地質博士學位,專門研究澳洲北部省Koongarra 鈾礦的礦物學及地球化學。多年來,他在採礦工業中當礦場及研究地質學家,並以顧問身份參與澳洲核科技組織跟國際合作的研究計劃,研究的合作單位包括美國核管理委員會、美國多間大學、英國原子能研究所、日本原子能研究所、國際原子能機構及歐洲原子能機構。斯奈林博士25年來全時間參與地球地質證據的研究,確定創世記中災難性全球大洪水的歷史記載。他曾就岩石和化石的所有放射性碳測年法進行詳細的技術研究,並與其他人的研究一同展示這些方法是錯漏百出並嚴重誤導。他參與澳洲及美國基督教事工逾25年,堅信神話語的絕對權威,現任Answers in Genesis及美國肯塔基北部創世博物館的研究總監。

  1. 關於用耶穌的觀點看創世年期的扼要論述,可參考: Mortenson, T. 2004. But from the beginning of … the institution of marriage? (回應John Ankerberg 及 Norman Geisler在網上發表就馬可福音10章6節的討論文章). 3614. 詳細的學術討論,可參考: Mortenson, T. 2008. Jesus’ View of the Age of the Earth. In Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, eds. Mortenson, T., and T.H. Ury, pp. 315-346. Green Forest, AR: Master Books.

原文載於:中文版English Version

A Response to the Accusations of Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism by Emphasizing Truths They Have Ignored about My Carbon-14 Dating Report (Dr Andrew A. Snelling.2011)

Pleading “guilty”!

I am first and foremost a Bible-believing Christian. God’s Word, the Bible, is thus my ultimate absolute authority in all matters. The Bible is not a science textbook (thankfully, because science textbooks are always subject to change!). However, since the Bible is God’s Word, where it records details about the earth’s history it is absolutely true.

Therefore, when God tells us in Genesis 1 and Exodus 20:8–11, and writes with His own finger on stone tablets in Exodus 31:15–18, that He created everything in the universe in six days compared to the days of our work week, I believe Him! And Jesus Christ, the Creator Incarnate (John 1:1–3, 14 and Colossians 1:15–17) taught that God created all things and that Adam and Eve were there at the beginning of creation, not billions of years after the beginning (Mark 10:6, 13:19). 1

As a geologist, I read in Genesis 6–9 that God subsequently judged the whole earth because of the wickedness and corruption of a rebellious mankind and a violent creation. All of mankind and every land-dwelling, air-breathing creature not in the Ark (which God had instructed Noah to build) were destroyed by the Flood waters that rose violently to eventually cover all the high hills and mountains under all the heavens (Genesis 7:11, 17–24). And Jesus Christ, who is the Truth (John 14:6), and so would never tell us a lie, affirmed that Noah entered the Ark and the Flood came and took them all away (Matthew 24:37–39 and Luke 17:26–27). He said that judgment was a warning of the judgment to come at His second coming.

And when did this global Flood occur? By adding up the lifespans of the generations after the Flood from Shem to Abraham recorded in Genesis 11:10–26, and then adding the years of the history of Abraham’s descendants to the Exodus from Egypt and on to the date of the start of the building of Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 6:1), a date known archaeologically, the Flood would have occurred about 2,300–2,400 BC, or 4,300–4,400 years ago.

If believing all this, which God’s Word plainly teaches, makes me an “extreme creationist,” then I plead “guilty” as charged by Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism.

God’s Word clearly says in Genesis 7:17–24 that the whole globe was covered in water by the Flood, even all the mountains, and all land animals and birds outside the Ark died. Therefore, on the basis of God’s description of the Flood, it can be predicted that many of those dead creatures and plants as well as many sea creatures would have been buried in the sand and mud stirred up by the Flood waters covering the entire earth. In other words, we would surely expect to find billions of dead creatures and plants buried in sediments deposited by water. And what do we find? Billions of fossils of dead creatures and plants buried in rock layers that were once soft sediments laid down by water all over the earth.

So yes, as an “extreme creationist,” Bible-believing, Christian geologist I believe, based solely on God’s Word, that the coal, oil, dinosaurs, “Cambrian Explosion” creatures, and many other fossils were formed by the one-time, globe-encircling, mountain-covering Flood about 4,300–4,400 years ago. Again, I plead “guilty” as charged by Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism!

What do Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism believe?

However, this then begs the question—what does Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism believe about when and how the coal, oil, dinosaur, Cambrian creatures, and other fossils were formed? Doesn’t Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism believe what God’s Word says about the Flood?

It would appear, because they don’t exactly own up to what they believe in their denunciation of my “supposed serious scientific mistakes,” that they would prefer to follow what “mainstream science” says. They quote from, and refer to, “mainstream science” publications as their basis for ridiculing my beliefs, and write that they are seeking the opinions of “mainstream” scientists.

So what does “mainstream science” teach? It claims that God did not create the universe and everything in it in six literal days. Rather, the universe is supposed to have come into existence only by natural processes, with a big bang about 13 billion years ago. “Mainstream science” claims that only by natural processes the earth coalesced from some of the dust in the primitive solar gas cloud 4.55 billion years ago. Then about 3.5 billion years ago life spontaneously came into existence only by natural processes and then evolved over millions of years without any involvement from God. The dinosaurs, Cambrian creatures, and other fossilized animals and plants are claimed to be the record of creatures that evolved, lived and died over millions of years.

“Mainstream science” teaches that there never was a globe-encircling, mountain-covering Flood. Therefore, “mainstream science” does not teach that there is even the possibility of the remains of an ocean-going wooden Ark on Mt. Ararat. Furthermore, “mainstream science” teaches that men cannot and do not walk on water, virgins do not and cannot give birth to babies, and dead men do not and cannot be resurrected from the grave.

So again I ask, what does Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism believe? If they are going to “blast” me for being an “extreme creationist” (their term, not mine), then they must be transparent in telling all their supporters publicly exactly what they stand for and believe.

If they believe God’s Word, and they have been looking for Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat allegedly for that reason, thus rejecting what “mainstream science” teaches about the Ark, then how can they in all honesty and sincerity chide me for not following “mainstream science”?

“Mistake 1 – His interpretation of carbon-14 results is not generally accepted by scientists.”

By “scientists” Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism mean “mainstream scientists” who, instead of accepting what God’s Word clearly teaches about the Flood and the Ark only 4,300–4,400 years ago, claim dogmatically that coal, oil, and fossils are millions of years old.


  1. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years.
  2. If every atom making up the entire earth was carbon-14, after only 1 million years all the carbon 14 would have decayed away and there would be no carbon-14 left.
  3. Measurable in situ carbon-14, not due to any contamination, has been found in coal, oil, and fossils by “mainstream” scientists as reported in “mainstream science” journals such as Radiocarbon, even though the same “mainstream” scientists claim the coal, oil, and fossils are millions of years old.

So are “mainstream” scientists wrong about the reliability of carbon-14 dating, or are they wrong about their claim that the coal, oil, and fossils are millions of years old? Instead of accusing me of a mistake here, Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism must answer this question. They owe their supporters an answer!

“Mistake 2 – Insufficient consideration of the problems raised by the size, contamination and extraction process of the wood samples.”


  1. All world-class “mainstream science” radiocarbon laboratories pre-treat all samples received for carbon-14 testing before analysis (as I carefully reported in my original article, quoting from a professor in charge of such a laboratory), and this pre-treatment is extremely harsh because it is specifically designed to remove any contamination due to field conditions and field handling.
  2. I reported, and Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism have not denied the truth of what I reported, that two of their four wood samples were each tested at two radiocarbon laboratories, and both laboratories certified those wood samples were modern: post-1950 and 120–135 years old, respectively. Their third sample yielded a carbon-14 age of only 610 years.
  3. Even when directly asked about the possibility of contamination, Laboratory 1 did not say those young (recent) ages were due to contamination.
  4. The two radiocarbon laboratories that carbon-14 tested these three wood samples as young (that is, too recent to be wood from the Ark) both correctly also analyzed the three wood samples for their δ13C values, because these values are absolutely necessary for the calculation and reporting of carbon-14 dates.
  5. Both these two laboratories also reported their carbon-14 test results with a ± error margin.
  6. The fourth wood sample, sample D, was only tested at Laboratory 3, but this laboratory did not follow standard procedures and did not measure the δ13C value or report a ± error margin. At the very least no evidence has been presented that they did follow such procedures.

“Mistake 3 – Ignoring the age calculated by dendrochronology.”


  1. My article did not ignore dendrochronology, but faithfully reported exactly the dendrochronology details for the fourth wood sample, exactly as supplied by Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism.
  2. The “wide margin” in the result of carbon-14 testing of the fourth wood sample is quoted, as per Laboratory 3, as 4,269–4,800 years, which is an error margin of only 531 years.
  3. The “calendric age” for the fourth wood sample, which calculation utilized dendrochronology, is quoted as per Laboratory 3 as 6,891 ± 4,647 years, or 2,243–11,538 years, which is an error margin of 9,295 years!
  4. The reason dendrochronology is so inaccurate is due to the fact that an unknown wood sample must have its tree rings first carbon-14 dated so that the tree rings can then be tested for cross-matching with tree rings in that time period in the master tree-ring chronology.

“Mistake 4 – Solely relying on carbon-14 dating.”


  1. I already reported in my article the limitations in carbon-14 dating, including the unreliability of estimates of the atmospheric content of carbon-14 in the distant past because of changes in the earth’s magnetic field.
  2. Noah’s Ark Ministries and The Media Evangelism therefore agrees with me that the carbon-14 content of the atmosphere has changed due to the changes in the earth’s magnetic field.
  3. “Mainstream science” has documented that carbon-14 dating is unreliable for samples older than 1,000 years BC (greater than 3,000 years old).
  4. It is for these reasons I stated in my article that a wood sample from the Ark must carbon-14 date older than 4,800 years.
  5. It is because carbon-14 dating is unreliable (and Noah’s Ark Ministries and The Media Evangelism agree) that I was claiming carbon-14 dates needed to be recalibrated (that is, adjusted).
  6. It is ironic that the two quotes Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism use to show carbon-14 is unreliable are also published by me in a booklet I compiled and edited more than twenty years ago. So, why should they reject what I say now based on what I said then, when I affirm both statements as true, and I was an “extreme creationist” and not “mainstream” then as I am now?

“Mistake 5 – Presuming that the Ark could not be found on Mt. Ararat.”


  1. The Bible says the Ark landed “on the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4).
  2. The Bible does not say the Ark landed on Mt. Ararat.
  3. These two Facts are based on the English Bible, which in turn accurately translates the original Hebrew. Chinese translations of the Bible do not make this clear, merely stating that the Ark came to rest “on Mt. Ararat”.
  4. There have been volcanic eruptions of Mt. Ararat in recorded history, as recently as in the 19th century.
  5. There are many eye-witnesses who say they have seen on Mt. Ararat what they claim is the Ark.
  6. These many eye-witness accounts have never been confirmed by hard objective evidence that is open to investigation by others. So it has not been proven that what they have claimed to see is in fact the Ark or its remains.

“Mistake 6 – Spreading rumors and slandering the exploration team.”


  1. Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism gave me all their carbon-14 dating results on April 20, 2010.
  2. I published all of Noah’s Ark Ministries International’s and The Media Evangelism’s carbon-14 dating results in my web article on November 9, 2011.
  3. During the year and a half (18 months) interval between Fact 1 and Fact 2 above Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism only ever publicly reported the seemingly favorable 4,800 year date for their fourth wood sample, and never publicly reported the unfavorable recent (young) carbon-14 dates for their three other wood samples.
  4. This fact is not a rumor or slander.
  5. All Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism have to do to silence all rumors or slander about the reliability of the carbon-14 dating of their fourth wood sample is to publicly name Laboratory 3, the laboratory that carbon-14 dated it, and produce the δ13C analysis result for that sample, which all genuine radiocarbon laboratories supply.

“The Actual Process, Supported By Email Records, Was As Follows:”


  1. During the Skype conference call on April 20, 2010, representatives of Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism gave me a copy of all their carbon-14 test results.
  2. During that Skype conference call I then told those Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism representatives that the carbon-14 tests of their wood samples strongly indicated that their wood samples could not have come from the Ark.
  3. As a result of the carbon-14 test results any excitement I had expressed earlier in the Skype conference call was now totally gone.
  4. As a Bible-believing Christian and a scientist, I still maintained an interest in the wooden structure Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism claimed they had found on Mt. Ararat because it still needed to be thoroughly investigated to determine exactly what it represented.

“Trying to Monopolize the Research; Suspicious Motives”


  1. If Answers in Genesis and I were trying to monopolize and manipulate research on the Ark claim, why did I wait 18 months to publish all the Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism carbon-14 test results?
  2. All through those 18 months, Answers in Genesis and I said and published absolutely nothing to disparage, hinder, slander, manipulate or otherwise monopolize any scientific research being undertaken by Noah’s Ark Ministries International, The Media Evangelism or any of their associates, or any other Ark researchers, for that matter.
  3. Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism failed to say that applications to participate in scientific research of their claimed Ark on Mt. Ararat required applicants to provide a statement “to share your point of view for the latest discovery of Noah’s Ark Ministries International on Mt. Ararat from your professional aspect.” (This requirement seemed to me at the time to imply that applicants were to be selected to participate in Noah’s Ark Ministries International’s research effort only if they already agreed that the wooden structures they had discovered on Mt. Ararat were indeed part of Noah’s Ark.)
  4. Scientific studies do “embrace diversity”, but are driven by scientists’ worldviews. Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism are suggesting that “mainstream” scientists, who do not accept the Bible’s account of the Flood and the Ark, should be investigating Noah’s Ark Ministries International’s claimed Ark in order to “embrace diversity.” However, scientific studies driven by such different worldviews would make discussions difficult and agreement impossible.



  1. Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism state that in seeking scientific opinions they are “primarily looking for mainstream scientist(s).” In other words, they want the opinions of those who do not accept the Bible’s account of the literal globe-encircling, mountain-covering Flood and the Ark!
  2. If carbon-14 dating is so unreliable, as Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism now maintain, then why did they announce a 4,800 year age for their wooden structure on Mt. Ararat at their Hong Kong press conference on April 25, 2010?
  3. If carbon-14 dating is so unreliable, why does Noah’s Ark Ministries International and The Media Evangelism now believe “that the wooden structure is very old” dating back to the “Epipaleolithic period” (a “mainstream science” term), for which they claim there are “radioactive carbon dates of archaeological relics in the Near East . . . between 13,100 and 9,600 years” BC, dates very much older than the biblical chronology in Genesis allows for the Flood and the Ark, or indeed for the earth itself?

So whose arguments are inaccurate and careless? And who is misleading and confusing the views of Christian leaders and theologians? The Facts “speak” for themselves.

*Dr Andrew A. Snelling has a Ph.D. in geology from The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia for his research on the mineralogy and geochemistry of the Koongarra uranium deposit in Australia’s Northern Territory. For many years he worked in the mining industry as a field and research geologist, and was a consultant to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation in a collaborative international research program involving the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, several US universities, the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment, the Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Nuclear Energy Agency. For more than 25 years he has been involved in full-time research on the global geologic evidences that confirm the Genesis historical account of the worldwide cataclysmic Flood. He has also conducted detailed technical research into all the radioactive dating methods for rocks and fossils, and along with the research of others has demonstrated conclusively that these methods are erroneous and grossly misleading. He has served for more than 25 years with Christian ministries in Australia and the USA that stand for the absolute authority of God’s Word, and is currently the Director of Research for Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky, USA.


  1. For a short discussion of Jesus’s view on the age of the creation, see: Mortenson, T. 2004. But from the beginning of . . . the institution of marriage? (a reply to John Ankerberg and Norman Geisler’s web article on Mark 10:6). For an in-depth, scholarly discussion, see: Mortenson, T. 2008. Jesus’ View of the Age of the Earth. In Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, eds. Mortenson, T., and T. H. Ury, pp. 315–346. Green Forest, Arkansas: Master Books. Back

ORIGINAL : 中文版English Version

最近在亞拉臘山發現的木樣本是否來自方舟?(安德魯 A. 斯奈林博士.2011年)

編者按:根據安德魯 A. 斯奈林博士(Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D., Answers in Genesis)按化驗報告的分析,影音使團所取得的木樣本並未能支持他們發現挪亞方舟的聲稱。斯奈林博士曾被邀請參與分析影音使團從山上帶下來的木樣本的化驗報告,他在此文中以有關的科學知識來討論木樣本化驗報告,向公眾解釋未能證明這些木樣本來自方舟的原因。
(安德魯 A. 斯奈林博士為Answers in Genesis(答案在創世記)及美國肯塔基北部創世博物館的研究總監。文章轉載自Anwsers in Genesis,原稿於2011年11月9日發表。


Skype 視頻會議


Figure 1

圖1. 由探索隊發放關於在亞拉臘山找到木結構的內部情況其中一幀圖片,探索隊聲稱這是方舟的餘骸。








Figure 2

圖2. 於2010年4月25日在香港舉行的新聞發佈會上展示的白色粒狀物體、繩及木樣本,探索隊宣稱這是從亞拉臘山可能是方舟的木遺骸中取得。

接下來為了回應媒體的追問,AiG於2010年4月27日在其網站發出一個簡短的報告,並於2010年4月29日發出一則簡短的評論,亦於2010年5月1日在每周新聞記要「News to Note」欄目內對這則新聞作較詳細的專題分析,其中只在新聞記要內簡略地提到木樣本的放射性碳測年法,但沒有作詳細交代(我當時身處大峽谷,與世隔絕!)。然而AiG的新聞記要確實簡略地解釋,若探索隊所持木樣本真是大洪水前製成方舟的木材,這些放射性碳測年結果是會帶來難題的。








Table 1. The C-14 test results obtained by the discovery team

Labora- tory Sample A (DB) Sample B (SS) Sample C (PW) Sample D (BS) Details Remarks
Labora- tory 1 N/A δ13C =
-26.9% Activity higher than 100% of modern level. It means that this tree was growing after 1955.
C-14 age = 120±25 years BP δ13C =
I asked the lab that B and C belonged to the same structure and how came the great difference. He replied that he did not know our collection method and the place and explained that C was from the inner part of the tree and B was the bark.
C-14 age = 610±25 years BP δ13C =
Labora- tory 2 Modern Age post-1950 AD as it clearly shows signs of nuclear weapons testing enrichment Samples A and B were practically collected from the same site (the location team members abseiling down), in reply to my query whether the samples were contaminated by moss and bacteria growth. The lab replied: the older age of sample B might be due to Suess Effect of diluted C-14 by fossil fuel.
C-14 age = 135±30 years BP δ13C relative to VPDB =
Labora- tory 3 C-14 age = 4269–4800 years BP Method employed: Radiocarbon and Dendro- chronology; Calendric Age calBP 6891±4647; 68% range calBP: 2243–11538; Calendric Age calBC: 4941±4647

表1. 探索隊所得的碳-14測定結果

實驗室 樣本 A (DB) 樣本 B (SS) 樣本C (PW) 樣本D (BS) 詳情 備注
實驗室 1 N/A δ13C =
-26.9‰ 碳活性較現代水平高100% 意思是此樹在1955年之後生長
年代 = BP 120
δ13C =
年代 = BP 610
δ13C =
實驗室2 現代 公元1950年之後,因其清楚顯示受核武測試而加增的效應徵象 樣本A及B基本上從同一個地方收集(位置需要隊員繞繩下降),這作為回答我問樣本是否受苔蘚或細菌生長所污染的查詢。實驗室回答︰樣本B測定年較老可能由於蘇斯效應(工業效應),化石燃料的使用稀釋了碳-14
年代 = BP 135
δ13C 相對於VPDB標準 =
實驗室3 碳-14
年代 = BP 4269 –
±4647年;BP校正範圍68%可能性: 2243 -11538年;日曆年齡為公元前校正4941




樣本B也是分別由實驗室1和2進行測檢,兩所實驗室均獲得基本相同的結果。木樣本測定年為BP 120±25年及BP 135±30年,即是說,木樣本可能來自公元1950年前95至165年之間生長的樹木,BP(距今)3的起始點或基準統一定為公元1950年。經換算,樹木可能在介乎公元1785年至1855年之間生長,換言之,木樣本B亦不可能來自方舟餘骸中任何木結構。


所述的蘇斯效應是這樣的一個觀察:自工業革命以來,人們大量使用化石燃料,尤其是煤,其燃燒所釋放的大量二氧化碳進入大氣,使大氣中的碳-14含量被稀釋。4 因此,在1800年代生長的樹木透過光合作用吸收到碳-14的數量較現在的樹木為少,換言之,1800年代的樹木可能較真實樹齡稍為老一點。

樣本C只透過實驗室1作測檢,得到碳-14年代為BP 610±25年,即是說木樣本來自公元1950年前585至635年之間,亦即是公元1315至1365年間生長的樹木。第三個木樣本同樣都不是來自方舟餘骸的任何木結構。可以說,四個木樣本中有三個都無法支持香港與土耳其人聯合探索隊所說,在亞拉臘山上發現方舟餘骸木結構的宣稱。

有趣的是,有人告訴實驗室1樣本B和C都屬同一個木結構,因此要求實驗室嘗試解釋兩個樣本分析之間明顯的年代差異(見表1備注) ── BP 120±25年(樣本B)及BP 610±25年(樣本C)。實驗室回應,即使他們無法知道隊員如何及在那裡收集樣本,但還能分辨「樣本C來自樹的內部,而樣本B是樹皮」。如果事情如上所述,兩個木樣本來自的一棵(或多過一棵)樹木至少已生長490年。不過,實驗室也承認,他們的詮釋僅是猜測。








雖然四個木樣本中有三個屬於近代,但在新聞發佈會上所公佈亞拉臘山4,800年古木結構的發現,就是基於第四個木樣本的測年結果而成立。樣本D就是第四個樣本,唯獨在另一間實驗室就是實驗室3(表1)進行,有別於其他三個樣本進行分析的地方。為何會在別的實驗室進行?難道探索隊對首三個樣本在首兩間實驗室的測定結果不滿所致?因為測定年期較方舟年代年輕或屬近代,故投向另一間新的實驗室作第四個樣本分析?還是因為這個樣本體積太大,不像其他樣本可以易於帶出國作境外測定?因此樣本D就只能在亞拉臘山附近的實驗室作分析,例如誇過鄰近邊境的伊朗? 那麼難怪有傳言說,實驗室3被錢收買,捏造所需的碳-14測年結果。如果測年方法是恰當和透明,就不會疑團四起,惹來學術界多方揣測。

無論如何,樣本D的碳-14年代是BP 4,269至4,800年(表1),探索隊因此抓緊這個結果,於發佈會上公佈年代範圍最久遠的4,800年。這個4,800年,對於亞拉臘山上的木結構來說,無疑跟傳統曆法計算大洪水時期介乎4,350至4,500年之間吻合,這個計算源自希伯來文舊約聖經馬所拉抄本的家譜推算出來的一個精密年表。況且,興建方舟的木材是大洪水前已生長了幾百年的樹木,樣本能有4,800年正是探索隊想要的,也是最期待的結果。因此,另外三個木樣本就被忽略了或(私下)經探索隊及/或他們的顧問解釋過去了,因為這些樣本的年代太年輕和近代。



總之,木樣本D有 4,800年歷史是探索隊缺乏根據證明的宣稱,一切都顯示他們並不知道世上有許多關於大洪水前和其他化石的碳-14鑑定結果,也不明白碳-14測年方法的種種問題。



其實早在放射性碳測年技術應用之初,已發現化石中含可以量度出來的碳-14。在許多案例裡,由於假設化石已上百萬年歷史,化石中間的碳-14應該不存在,即是說,化石中原有的碳-14已衰變消亡,化石本身不再留存任何碳-14,因為碳-14的半衰期(或衰變率)為5,730年。如果任何生物或植物被埋藏變成化石時,其含有的碳-14水平跟現代的動植物一樣的話,經過一百萬年,相當於碳-14經歷過174.5個半衰期,存留的碳-14便是原本水平的3×10-53,不過,就算碳-14的質量相等於整個地球,也只有大約3×1050 個碳-14原子,7即是說,儘管一百萬年前在地球表面或裡面任何地方有碳-14出現,到了現時,沒有一顆碳-14原子可仍然存留,故此,絕對不可能從一個逾百萬年的化石中偵測得到可以量度的碳-14。另一方面,如果化石是活在大洪水前的動物和植物遺骸,在大洪水期間它們被淹沒埋藏成為化石也只是4,500年前的事,那麼所有化石仍存留可量度的碳-14。



此外還有針對木化石而進行的其他碳-14測年研究,樣本取自大洪水地質記錄的不同地層,按慣用計法有三千萬至二億五千萬年。11 以下木化石樣本(見圖3)以AMS方法分別在兩間實驗室作碳-14測年,在所有個案中,量度得的碳-14水平都在AMS偵測範圍之上(意味著AMS的量度讀數準確),而數值換算為碳-14年代後,就介乎20,700±1,200年和44,700±950年(見表2)。

Oligocene fossil wood
Eocene fossil wood
Jurassic fossil wood
Triassic fossil wood

圖3. 從大洪水地質記錄而來的木化石經碳-14測年(見表2)

(a) 漸新世木,來自美國科羅拉多州Cripple Creek的 Cresson礦場
(b) 始新世木,來自澳洲昆士蘭省Crinum礦場
(c) 侏羅紀木,來自英國沃里克郡Edge Hill的Horton採石場
(d) 三叠紀木,來自澳洲新南威爾士省Bundanoon的Hawkesbury砂岩

Table 2. C-14 dating results for fossil woods from the geologic record of the Flood.

Location Conventional Age C-14 age (BP)
Geologic Numerical
Cripple Creek, Colorado, USA Oligocene 32 million years 41,260±540 years
Crinum, Queensland, Australia Eocene 45 million years 29,544±759 years
37,800±3,450 years
44,700±950 years
Redding area, California, USA Cretaceous 112–120 million years 32,780±230 years
33,490±240 years
37,150±330 years
42,390±510 years
Edge Hill, Warwickshire, England, UK Jurassic 189 million years 20,700±1,200 years
22,730±170 years
24,005±600 years
28,820±350 years
Bundanoon, New South Wales, Australia Triassic 22–230 million years 33,720±430 years
Toukley, New South Wales, Australia Permian 250 million years 33,700±400 years

表2. 大洪水地質記錄的化石木碳-14測年結果

地點 慣用年代 碳-14
地質年代 年期
美國科羅拉多州Cripple Creek 漸新世 3,200萬年 41,260
澳洲昆士蘭省Crinum 始新世 4,500萬年 29,544
美國加州Redding區 白堊紀 1億1,200萬年 –
英國沃里克郡Edge Hill 侏羅紀 1億8,900萬年 20,700
澳洲新南威爾士省Bundanoon 三叠紀 2億2,500萬年 –
澳洲新南威爾士省Toukley 二叠紀 2億5,000萬年 33,700





外太空的宇宙射線撞擊地球大氣層高層中的氮原子,產生碳-14原子。不過地球受到磁場局部的保護,免受宇宙射線的全面撞擊,13而按實時歷史量度(real-time historical measurements),以前的地球磁場比較強烈,譬如1,400年前的磁場強度是今天的兩倍。14 如果地球磁場在1,400年前是兩倍的強度,大氣中碳-14原子的產生就會是今天的一半。過去磁場強度較強,還可透過量度古代陶器中「石化」了的磁力,得到證明。15由於大洪水時代磁場較強,大氣的碳-14原子含量較少,但對木化石的碳-14測年,卻沿用一個古今大氣碳-14含量固定的假設作為依歸,當然如表2的結果所示,測定的碳-14年紀大幅增加。

此外,在大洪水前的世界,動植物繁衍力較現今強盛。從今天在煤床上找到被埋藏的植物數量,和從石灰岩及大洪水時期地質記錄其他岩層所發現為數眾多的生物化石,就可見一斑了。有研究指出,在大洪水前的世界,動植物的碳含量可能比現代多300至700倍,16 其中絕大部份都是正常的碳-12,數量之多足以蓋過在大洪水前為數甚小的碳-14,換句話說,大洪水前動植物的碳-14/碳總量比例就比今天的比例少300至700倍。由於碳-14年紀的計算法依然使用今天的碳-14/碳總量比例,而不是採納少300至700倍的大洪水前比例運算,得出的年紀才會推遲得更久遠。這正是我們從一般放射性碳實驗室,給大洪水岩層及煤床中石化了的大洪水前木樣本作碳-14年齡測定時,自然得出的結果。



安德魯 A. 斯奈林博士於澳洲悉尼大學取得地質博士學位,專門研究澳洲北部省Koongarra 鈾礦的礦物學及地球化學。多年來,他在採礦工業中當礦場及研究地質學家,並以顧問身份參與澳洲核科技組織跟國際合作的研究計劃,研究的合作單位包括美國核管理委員會、美國多間大學、英國原子能研究所、日本原子能研究所、國際原子能機構及歐洲原子能機構。斯奈林博士25年來全時間參與地球地質證據的研究,確定創世記中災難性全球大洪水的歷史記載。他曾就岩石和化石的所有放射性碳測年法進行詳細的技術研究,並與其他人的研究一同展示這些方法是錯漏百出並嚴重誤導。他參與澳洲及美國基督教事工逾25年,堅信神話語的絕對權威,現任Answers in Genesis及美國肯塔基北部創世博物館的研究總監。

附錄 – δ13C參數

像放射性碳--碳-14一樣,大多數碳都含兩個原子質量稍為不同的穩定原子,這些碳同位素就稱為碳-12及碳-13,它們之間的原子質量差異,大大影響含有這些同位素的化合物中的化學作用及物理過程的速率。例如︰植物會從大氣中優先吸收12CO2(二氧化碳)進行光合作用,而排斥13CO2和 14CO217 這個過程叫分餾(fractionation),在光合作用中,碳同位素分餾會令植物的組織,包括木質,減少碳-14與12CO2的相對比例,以致這比例低於大氣中的比例。此外,在預備樣本接受實驗分析時,當純化碳被燃燒成二氧化碳的嚴苛預先處理程序中,碳同位素之間也會發生同位素分餾。這個分餾會導致有機物例如樹木,在進行碳-14測年時出現些微但屬系統性的錯誤。



分餾因子或δ13C參數就用作校正碳-14測年。因植物內的碳-13較貧乏(即碳-12較濃郁),δ13C值為負數,而海洋生物碳酸鹽的δ13C值之所以近乎零,因為它們的碳-13/碳-12比例跟PDB標準相似,因為PeeDee箭石也是海洋生物碳酸鹽。19由於以「現代木」作為參照點來校正碳-14計算儀的效率,例如加速器質譜儀,修正數據時就需要對照這類資料作參考,因此得出一個相對PBD 的δ13C正常值或「校正」值每密耳-25(‰)。



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